Servants of Christ

Dear Brethren,

This week, the congregations of the Little Rock, Arkansas and the Memphis, Tennessee Churches of God are celebrating their fiftieth anniversary.  In 1961, a church circuit was formed for the newly called brethren from central Arkansas to western Tennessee.  Served initially by one pastor, the fledging congregations grew and grew until such time that the Worldwide Church of God entered a terrible apostasy – ending with the disintegration of the Church membership in the early to mid 1990’s.

I was serving in the ministry of the Worldwide Church of God in 1992, when asked to transfer to this area.  In 1995, I was disfellowshipped by WCG for preaching against the heresies of the Joseph Tkach administration, and thus, refusing to renounce the Saturday Sabbath.  I saw it as my responsibility before God and to the brethren to stand strong in the Faith by “stomping out the fires of heresy,” and “rescuing the survivors” as the apostasy came to the full.

In those days, disfellowshippment was a powerful tool in the hands of the Enemy in that the weak brethren had been taught to unquestioningly reject and fear those who had been marked by headquarters.  More than half the people accepted the heretical change to Sunday worship and the Pagan trinity doctrine, while relinquishing obedience to the Ten Commandments.  In that Satanic attack, only a committed remnant of the brethren remained faithful to the Laws of God.  When the Book of Acts is finally completed, it will record the deeds of those brethren who overcame hardship and remained loyal to God and His Truth to the very end.

It is good to celebrate this 50th anniversary in that it gives us pause to evaluate the enduring facets of our beliefs.  It lets us ponder where we go from here, and it is a time of renewal and concerted effort as we go forward.  The faithful brethren have continued to preach the gospel to the world, and feed the sheep.  However, because some of the scattered brethren continue to favor one group over another while rejecting other brethren; clearly, we have a long way to go in “discerning the Lord’s Body,” and in “loving the brethren.”

The good news is that some brethren are beginning to make progress in building bridges with their brothers and sisters in Christ, who are also led by God’s Holy Spirit.  We are learning the Biblical instructions that we are not to congregate in groups who look to one man or one group – to the exclusion of the other brethren.  The apostle Paul used himself as well as Apollos as illustrations of men who should not be held in more esteem than others.

Paul said, “…that you might learn from what I have said about us, not to think of men above that which is written, that no one of you boast in favor of one man's cause over another's.”  (1 Corinthians 4:6)

Yes, it is true that we have to be ever mindful that there are many false ministers.  But let’s remember that there are also many true sheep.  Jesus said, “Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.”  (Matthew 10:16)

Let us rejoice with those faithful brethren who celebrate 50 years of loving one another.


Sermon:  "Servants of Christ"
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