

Other Booklets

Can You Stand Alone

Our Brother's Keeper

    What are we to do when a brother or sister strays from the Truth?  Some would say, “God will correct any wrongdoing in the Church of God.  It’s not my responsibility.  I’ll put it in God’s hands.”  That is a cop-out!  God expects each individual Christian to stand up for the truth, and expose the lies.  God tells us how to handle situations like these.  The answer is always the same.  When push comes to shove – step up to the plate and be counted!  We have a great responsibility to each other in the Church of God.

    A great lie was perpetrated on humanity when Cain denied that he was in any way responsible for his brother, Abel.  “The Lord said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I do not know: Am I my brother's keeper?”  (Genesis 4:9)

    The truth is:  Yes!  We are each our brother’s keeper.  We are individually responsible for the spiritual welfare of the brethren.  When an offense occurs, God tells us to go to the offending party alone (Matthew 18:15-17).  No one is permitted to pass the buck.  We are further instructed to bring the matter to the entire congregation, if necessary.

     There has been an all-too-common practice in the Church for ministers to close their eyes to the wrongdoing of their fellow ministers in other church areas.  Like Pontius Pilate, they try to wash their hands of their responsibility, not realizing that they are as guilty as the offending party (Leviticus 5:1).   Some ministers say, “That is not my area,” as though God allowed a dispensation for distance.  They adopt the viewpoint that it is not their concern, or that headquarters is responsible for the monitoring of someone else’s area.

    No member of the Church of God is exempt when it comes to taking a stand to support and defend God’s high standards, especially the ordained ministers of Jesus Christ.  We have no choice but to take a stand.  We all, even faithful ministers, need a nudge in the right direction sometimes.  Or, it may be that you are now dealing with a false minister, as so many of us have had to do before.   Whatever the situation, you and I cannot close our eyes to their harmful and sinful ways, or approve and support them in their wrongdoing.  Closing your eyes to a sinful problem is an inexcusable act of cowardice – it is not Christian love.  When humbly approached, a true Christian should be able to accept Godly correction, even if the Christian is the minister.  Peter is a case in point.

Chapter 5: Peter Was Wrong

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