Passion of Jesus Christ

Dear Brethren,

If you were thinking of going to see the movie, "The Passion of the Christ" - don't.  It is time to warn the brethren in all the Church of God about a subtle attack on our faith.

"Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints."  (Jude :3)

Do not be tempted to see the movie "The Passion of the Christ," as it depicts the world's false image of a "Jesus."  Do not get caught up in all of the hype.  Remember how difficult it was for us as we came into God's Church to put this world's religious system out of our lives?  We all had incorrect pictures in our minds of Jesus - how He looked, what He taught, and His purpose for coming.  This movie presents the god of this world, not the real Jesus, in a cunning assault on the Truth of the Gospel accounts.  (2Corinthians 4:4)

Many of us have spent years, trying to eradicate from our memories the popular images of what the world believes to be "The Christ."  We have avoided putting  pictures and statues in our homes because we know that they do not represent the true glory of our King and Savior.  There is no crucifix in our home for this reason - would we presume it proper to allow a movie based on a crucifixion to captivate our minds?  "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image."  (Exodus 20:4)

No earthly representation of the Almighty, Eternal, and Spiritual God could be cast in stone, wood or film.  What a travesty it would be not only to purposely expose ourselves, but, also, our children to this false "Jesus" who would be ingrained upon their memories for a lifetime.

The allure to see this movie will be very strong for some - but make no mistake about it - the "Jesus" of this movie presents a temptation to idolatry.  Being knowledgeable of the scriptures, we would easily spot the more obvious errors.  That, however, permits us to assume that the rest of the movie is profitable - it is not!  We do not want to put ourselves in the position of supposing, "maybe Jesus Christ is a little like this."  One woman upon leaving the movie remarked in tears, "I never realized... now I see Jesus."  Contrary to her belief that this movie brought her closer to "Jesus" - it is only God the Father who draws us.  (John 6:44,65)

Brethren, what could we possibly hope to gain from a movie fraught with so much misrepresentation?  Billy Graham was exactly correct on this point when he said, "Every time I preach or speak about the Cross, the things I saw on the screen will be on my heart and mind.

God, in His wisdom, commanded us to make no visual representation of Jesus.  The Bible, which is our unmistakable guide to the Truth, gives no details about the physical characteristics of Jesus for the very purpose that we would not be tempted to "picture" Him.  The one thing the Bible does tell us about Jesus' looks is that He was not "good looking" like the handsome Hollywood version of "Jesus".  "He hath no form nor comeliness; and.., there is no beauty that we should desire Him." (Isaiah 53:2)

Here are only a few of the points where "The Passion" deviates from the Bible: Jesus did not fall three times under the burden of His cross.  Peter did not kneel before Mary asking her forgiveness for denying Christ.  Scriptural words which Jesus spoke are omitted from the movie, while un-Scriptural words are added that Jesus never said.  Having no understanding of obedience to God the Father, the Truth that Jesus was actively obedient all the way to His death is totally missing in the movie.

"Being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross." (Philippians 2:8)

The Jews of Jesus' day stoned people to death - whereas this movie depicts the Jews constructing a pagan cross out of an upright pole with a cross-arm timber.  Jesus did not die on that kind of cross - it wasn't a cross, it was a pole, "stauros".

The movie also fails to properly convey that the beating (stripes) that Jesus received was for our healing.  While being very bloody, emotional and overly dramatic, the movie fails to provide the real depth of the agonizing torture which exposed the very bones of Jesus.  "I may number all my bones."  (Psalms 22:17)

Will "The Passion" bring about the beginning of a worldwide emotional and vengeful rage  targeting those people who killed Jesus.  No - probably not - it will not be a movie that ushers in the end of the age, and the return of Christ.  The movie may temporarily - very temporarily - bolster the ranks of the Roman Catholic Church.

A mystical touch "of the power of dead languages" is achieved by the use of Hebrew, Aramaic and Latin.  English is only used in the sub-titles.  Strangely, Greek is not used - though the original Gospels were in the orthodox Greek.

Mel Gibson describes his movie this way, "It is art that reflects my Catholic beliefs," and it is based in part on the writings of an 18th century Nun which she gleaned from her supernatural visions.  The movie has the approval of the Pope's theological advisers. Pope John Paul II, and James Dobson have both come forward to endorse "The Passion" as "factual," and recommend it as a teaching tool.

Brethren, we cannot let the Vatican be our teacher.  This Catholic movie subtly misrepresents the truth of salvation through the blood of Christ.  They have a version of salvation which requires "Jesus" to be slain daily in the sacrifice of the mass on their altars - where, in point of Truth, we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.  (Hebrews 10:10)

We do not want to be influenced by this un-Biblical movie.  Our faith is not based on emotions - it is based on sound Biblical truth and fact.  Where should Christians receive their instruction on the life of Christ?  From God's Word - the Bible.  "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."  (John 8:32)

Brethren, let us be very careful to make the distinction between "religious Hollywood art" and God's Truth.  "The Passion" should signal the wake up call for the Brethren to become thoroughly grounded in the truth once delivered.  We do not need to see this movie.

What agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.  Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you."  (2Corinthians 6:16-17)


Sermon:  "The Real Passion"    
