Sabbath Rest |
Dear Brethren,
Some people say
that the Sabbath commandment was nailed to the cross. They
teach that there no longer remains a keeping of the Sabbath for
the people of God. What is the Truth? The answer that the
world cannot receive is this: The Sabbath is a part of God’s
spiritual creation. At the Genesis creation, mankind was given
the sun to mark the days, the moon to mark the months, and the
stars to mark the years. But, where does the time period we
refer to as the "seven day week" come from? Its origin is not
to be found in the heavens like the day, the month and the year!
God had to
give mankind the seven-day week with the Sabbath at its end
because it is not found in nature. The Sabbath is a part of
God’s spiritual creation. The whole world goes by the seven-day
week – but few remember the origin of it – fewer still, keep it
holy. Jesus said unto them, "The Sabbath was made for man.”
(Mark 2:27). The Sabbath is the memorial that reminds us each
week, not only of God’s physical creation, but also of His
incredible future spiritual plans for mankind's future. There
are few who understand that the Sabbath is a memorial of
creation, or who believe that the weekly Sabbath rest is the
promise of the prophesied one thousand year Kingdom of God on
earth (Revelation 20:6). The weekly Saturday Sabbath is
intended to be a time of fellowship, not only with God the
Father and Jesus Christ, but with our brethren as well.
The Sabbath day
is holy because it was God, Himself, who set the seventh day
apart form all the rest. The Sabbath is Biblically commanded –
given to us by God. The Sabbath was kept by Jesus Christ, the
Apostles, and all the faithful New Testament Church members.
God is the one who made it holy.” By resting on the seventh
day, God "sanctified" it, setting it apart for a
special purpose. After completing His work of re-creating the
face of the earth and creating all physical life, including
mankind, God rested! And God blessed the seventh day, and
sanctified it: because that in it He had rested
from all His work which God created and made.” (Genesis
The Sabbath day
is to be kept in a special way. It is the fourth of God’s Ten
Commandments. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.”
But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God."
(Exodus 20:8-10). Six days shall work be done: but the
seventh day is the Sabbath of rest, a holy
convocation; ye shall do no work therein: it is the Sabbath of
the Lord in all your dwellings.” (Leviticus 23:3)
When Jesus came
to the earth in fleshly form, He observed the Saturday Sabbath
in a holy way. The Sabbath day is listed among the Feasts
of the Lord,” that is why Jesus sanctified the Sabbath
day. [Jesus] came to Nazareth, where He had been brought
up: and, as His custom was, He went into the synagogue on the
Sabbath day.” (Luke 4:16) The Scriptures show that Jesus
Christ is our example and that we should follow in his steps:
Jesus told His disciples to teach all nations to observe
all things whatsoever I have commanded you.” (Matthew
Have you ever
wondered if you were truly one of God's chosen people? There is
a way that you can be sure. There is an identifying Sign”
between God and His people. To "sanctify" means to set
apart for a special purpose – it is the same word as, holy.”
God made a Sabbath covenant with His people for all time.The
Sabbath is an identifying sign. Only those who worship the true
God and are obedient to keep His Sabbath, are holy people.
Keep in mind
that those who have faith in Jesus Christ are spiritual
Israelites (Galatians 3:26-29, 6:16): Speak thou also unto
the children of Israel, saying, Verily my Sabbaths ye shall
keep: for it is a sign between me and you throughout your
generations; that ye may know that I am the Lord that doth
sanctify you.” (Exodus 31:13) God sets His people apart!
The Sabbath is
different from all the other days of the week in that it points
to the Creator God. Each Sabbath day is a reminder to us of the
true Creator God. The word "Sabbath" means "rest" in
the Hebrew language, but God’s Sabbath goes far beyond simply
resting physically – it also points to the soon coming
millennial rest when Jesus Christ will rule this earth for one
thousand years: It is a sign between me and the children
of Israel forever: for in six days the Lord made heaven and
earth, and on the seventh day He rested, and
was refreshed.” (Exodus 31:17) God was not tired - He
was creating spiritual time for our benefit.
Make no mistake
about it - the Sabbath is the test commandment. God does put
man to a test. Isn’t it interesting that most of the world
worships on Sunday, or like the Moslem world, on Friday, when
the Bible calls for Saturday Sabbath observance? God in His
wisdom has made the Sabbath a test” commandment. To test
ancient Israel in the wilderness, God sent them manna with
specific instructions for gathering it: God said, that I
may prove them, whether they will walk in my law, or not.”
For us today, the Sabbath is still the crucial test commandment
to allow God to see who will voluntarily obey.The
Sabbath identifies those who have truly surrendered their will
to God’s will.
The common time
for the calendar day begins and ends at midnight. God measures
time differently. The Sabbath begins and ends at sunset.God’s
day ends when the sun has set – the day is over. We get our
term, evening,” from this event. At evening, when the sun
did set.” (Mark 1:32)
Here is a
truism that few will accept. It is only Sabbath-keepers who
have God’s Holy Spirit. How can that be? A person cannot have
God’s Holy Spirit unless he observes the Sabbath day. The
Sabbath is one of the Ten Commandments, which God commands us to
obey. It is the Holy Spirit, that God has given to them
that obey Him.” (Acts 5:32.) God gives His Holy Spirit
only to those who obey Him! God has not given His authority to
anyone to change to Sun-day observance.
Some people
will try to demean the Sabbath as a Jewish day. The Sabbath is
God's day - not the Jews' day. Notice the Scripture that says,
"Six days shall work be done: but the seventh day is the
Sabbath of rest, an holy convocation; ye shall
do no work therein: it is the Sabbath of the Lord
in all your dwellings." (Leviticus 23:3) God intends for
man to work six days and then to rest and be spiritually
rejuvenated. Many years after the death of Jesus Christ, the
apostle Paul confirmed that the Sabbath commandment was
in force for all Christians. There remains
therefore a keeping of the Sabbath for the people of God.”
(Hebrews 4:9)
Jesus Christ
has supreme authority over the Sabbath day - He created it and
kept it. The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the
Sabbath: Therefore the Son of man [Jesus] is Lord also
of the Sabbath.” (Mark 2:27-28)
Sermon: |
"Sabbath Rest" |