by Wray Zehrung

Dear Brethren,

The Bible is emphatic that we should “watch.”  When understood in its proper context it really is a Godly command.  We are to be watching.  But we know that Christianity is not a spectator sport!  What is it that we are to watch?  As Christians, of course we want to do what God mandates that we do.  Jesus asked His disciples to stay alert and attentive:

“Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”  (Matthew 26:41)

But simply watching, as compared to everything else that we are to be doing as Christians, really does not seem like much, does it?  When the Scriptures speak of watching they are not only telling us to be observant.  As with most of Christianity there is an action component to watching.  Too many brethren in the past have focused on the Mayans, Aztecs or Germans—is that where the answers lie?”  What is it, besides simply looking on, that is required of us in order to be counted worthy to avoid the tribulation?

“Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.”  (Luke 21:36)

What then does it really mean to "watch"?  What are we to be watching or looking for?  Why is it that when we read these particular scriptures that we are often admonished to pray with the watching?  When we spot or notice what we are looking for then what?

“Watch ye therefore: for ye know not the hour when the Master of the house comes… Lest coming suddenly He find you sleeping.   And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.  (Mark 13:35-37)

Watching correctly is tremendously important!  Notice how Jesus emphasizes it.  Surely there is more to the equation of what we are required to do.  How can we have the “spiritual eyes” in order to perceive the spiritual inferences in God’s Word?  Could it be that we should also be looking inwardly?  In today’s sermon we will be looking at the spiritual implications of watching and praying.

“Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, conduct yourselves like true believers, be strong in the Lord.”  (1 Corinthians 16:13)

As we go through the verses pertaining to this subject we will see that there is in reality a lot more to watching than meets the eye.

Sermon:  "Watch" by Wray Zehrung  
