A Fulfillment of Prophecy

Dear Brethren,

What is prophecy?  For many, prophecy has gotten a bad name in God’s church.  Too many brethren think that they can get a heads up on end time events, and thereby avoid the trials and tribulations associated with the time of Jacob’s trouble.  That misery and trouble can be avoided – but beating others to the punch when it comes to prophecy is not the way to go about it.  Prophecy is about God bringing many of His sons and daughters to glory (Hebrews 2:10).  Prophecy comes from God – and it is the story of His Plan written in advance.  It is not a riddle to be solved.  Prophecy is not a puzzle to be put together.

Prophecy is written so that when it comes to pass – it will be evident that the hand of God was in the prophecy.  Men try desperately to get ahead of the game – to understand the movements and actions of God before others do.  Some think that proclaiming prophecy in advance of it its fulfillment – somehow makes them into something special.  What is the purpose of Biblical prophecy?  What does God expect prophecy to accomplish in our lives?  God in His wisdom saw fit to encourage us through prophecy and give us hope.

“Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls.  Of which salvation the prophets have enquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you: Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow.  Unto whom it was revealed, that not unto themselves, but unto us they did minister the things, which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the Holy Spirit sent down from heaven; which things the angels desire to look into.”  (1 Peter 1:9-12)

We see that the prophets proclaimed, cried out, heralded and preached about Jesus Christ and the salvation He wrought.  Prophecy tells us what God is going to accomplish—because He alone can bring it about.  Prophecy is God’s Plan written in advance.

The world is blind to God’s prophecy because it can only be understood through His Holy Spirit.  God often closed up the meaning of prophecy to those who penned the words.  God alone decides the timing and revelation of His deeds.

The world is unable to understand prophecy because they lack the knowledge of who modern day Israel is.  They watch the Mid-East and cannot discern what God is working out.  They think that prophecies regarding Israel apply only to the Jews, and thus they are thrown off.

In order to understand prophecy it is necessary to have a grasp of biblical time lapses and the concept of duality that run throughout the word of God.  The knowledge of symbolism and heavenly patterns must be incorporated to know the intent of prophecy.

Having a good comprehension of the Plan of God and the Sabbath is a must in knowing what God has in store for the saints.  Biblical context and chronology are needed in order to see prophecy unfold.  For example, some events happened in the past specifically as warnings for the Church of God which would be established later.

“Now all these things happened [The Israelites falling in the wilderness] unto them for examples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.”  (1 Corinthians 10:11)

There is one prophecy that is well documented in the Scriptures that goes mostly unnoticed—and it has to do with God’s desire to live among His people.  In today’s sermon we will explore that prophecy and its fulfillment.

Sermon:  "A Fulfillment of Prophecy"    
