

Other Booklets

Can You Stand Alone

Fear is an Enemy of Faith

    Needless to say, there were terrible consequences as a result of Adam’s disappointing performance in the Garden of Eden.  However, what does need to be reiterated is the fact that when we fail to take a stand for God’s Way, we hamper the progress of the plan of God.  Not only that, we jeopardize our own salvation.  Some will say, “You take too much upon yourself – God does not expect such stellar performances from us.”  Yes, He does.  He has called us specifically to achieve certain goals.

    Look at what the Scriptures reveal about the ordeal in which Queen Esther stood alone and prevailed.  Had Esther declined to take a stand, destruction and ruin would have been the result for her and her family; but God’s plan would prevail. “For if you altogether hold your peace at this time, then will relief and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but you and your father's house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether you art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”  (Esther 4:14)

    Esther overcame her fear.  Exhibiting great courage, she approached the king to whom she had not been summoned.  The penalty for such an unwelcomed advance on the throne carried the possibility of an immediate death penalty.  In faith, Esther said, “If I perish, I perish.”  (Esther 4:11, 16)  As a result of Esther’s stand, the Jewish ancestors of our Savior were delivered from genocide.  For those people with whom God is working, tests and trials will come because He has specifically designed and allowed unique situations for His purposes  (Romans 8:28).

    You may say, “Nothing earthshaking like that ever happens to me.”  Perhaps you have become accustomed to sidestepping every controversy, thinking, “After all, isn’t someone in charge supposed to take care of the problems?”  The answer is that in these end-time days, those in charge sometimes fail to address serious sin among God’s people.  What is a member to do when obvious abuse and gaping sin are ongoing, and no one does anything about it?  The answer is that a Christian has no choice but to take a stand.

    We should ask ourselves these questions.  Why do so many in leadership positions today lack the courage to take a stand and tackle the problems?  Are they, themselves, dictatorial and abrasive?  Are they examples of caring servants, laying their lives down for the brethren?  Do they go after that one lost sheep, or do they derive their security from the ninety-nine (Luke 15:4)?  Jesus Christ warned us to be careful of hirelings (John 10:12).  Do they truly consider the brethren – encouraging them to love and good works by example; or are they arrogant and aloof?  Do they frequently hurt people knowingly, and not care enough to change their approach, much less their hearts?

    What is a Christian to do when ministers do not represent Godly principles in their teachings and conduct?  What do you do if you find out about a couple living in sin in your congregation?  What would you do if your minister refused to help a widow in need?  How would you respond if an innocent member were disfellowshipped from your congregation?  What would you do if you found out about a minister who is molesting a young person?

    Those things do happen in God’s Church, and there is no statute of limitations on sin except Godly repentance.  Getting involved in one of those situations could get you into “big trouble” quickly.  Do you fear to take a stand?  Are you satisfied with saying to yourself, “I don’t know what I’d do”?  Some fearful brethren take the easy way out by saying, “Perhaps he has repented,” or, “He is not my pastor,” or, “I don’t have any hard evidence to present – like photos.”  How courageous would you be if no one recognized the problem, except you?   Would you be afraid to take action?  Jesus said unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith?  (Matthew 8:26)

Chapter 11: Many Others Stood Alone

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