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Teach Us To Pray


    In order for us to be able to have a close relationship with God the Father, Jesus Christ has given us His personal instructions to make it possible.  Unfortunately, too many people fail to pray properly.  Subsequently, they do not develop a deep spiritual dialogue with our Father.  Let us not miss out, but rather take advantage of this tremendous teaching on how to pray by putting it into effect each day.  As we come to understand that the purpose of Jesus’ prayer instructions is to bring about a close fellowship between Almighty God and us – His created sons and daughters – we are encouraged to pray more effectively.

    “That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.”  (1John 1:3)

    Once we have become very familiar with the concepts that Jesus taught His disciples, and have incorporated them into our own understanding, and have begun to build a close relationship with God, then we are better able to approach our heavenly Father in a correct attitude of prayer.  We are able to live God’s way in our thoughts.  We start to become like Him.

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Teach Us To Pray