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That They May Be One

Unity of the Spirit

As Paul told the Ephesians in chapter four, their ordinations and spiritual gifts were given for the perfecting of the saints – not their own advancement or enrichment.  God's Church is to be a nurturing environment wherein the "least" member is able to provide necessities of importance.  We are meant to carry one another's burdens.  The gifts of God are meant to be helpful to everyone – not just to benefit the one to whom God has given the gift.  "The manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit [everyone]."  (1 Corinthians 12:7)

The division we have today is not unique.  Early Church congregations were taken over by heretics, who were not willing to receive God's children.  Paul recognized that "the mystery of iniquity" (2 Thessalonians 2:7) was already at work as errant brethren attempted to set the apostles as rivals, one against the other.

It is not God's Will that the Church be scattered – any more than it was His Will that Israel go into Assyrian captivity or Judah into Babylonian captivity. Sin brought it about.  God's Will always, is to bless His people.  Do we understand that we are each individually responsible for bringing unity to the body of believers?  All of the scattered Christians are still our fellow brethren.  God is not going to save just one of the groups.  He is not dealing exclusively with one man.  No organization possesses a franchise on being "The Church."  It is God's Church.

It is a shame that we are not of one mind.  Too many of our brethren have been taught to disassociate themselves from those brethren not within their own group.  They turn their heads when they pass former brethren on the street.  The Bride is not prepared to meet Christ while this practice persists in His Church.

We would all like to see the baptism of many totally new converts, but God is not going to exonerate divisive conduct by calling new converts into a contentious body.  He will bring an indictment against those who refuse to pursue a path toward unity and oneness with their brethren.

Today, various associations have a policy of not baptizing without a tacit pledge that the proselyte will become a member of their group.  Often, these same associations do not allow "outsiders" to take Passover with their members.   Oh, these are not written policies – that would not allow for deniability.  Nonetheless, these are "policies" when the practices are "winked" at by their headquarters, and when their leaders, in general, go along with the practices.  We are not commanded, "Go ye into all the world and baptize into your group."  When one group encourages its membership to avoid contact with other groups, it is sowing seeds of discord.

Brethren have been disfellowshipped, not for sin or heresy, but for political expediency.  Neighboring pastors close their eyes to this heavy-handed practice – not considering that God will hold them just as accountable as the perpetrator.  "If anyone sins by remaining silent when he is adjured to give evidence as a witness of something he has seen or known, [then he shall bear his iniquity]." (Lev. 5:1 Moffatt)

God will not hold guiltless those who are scattering His flock.  Do not be a part of it and do not support it.  The faithful brethren must also be praying for those who drove away the outcast members, and must be an example to those who are dividing the Church.  Jesus indicts, first, those people who put the brethren out of the Church while they were clinging to the Truth with all their might; and second, He indicts those who have not sought their reunion to the Body of Christ.

"Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against the shepherds . . . neither have ye brought again that which was driven away, neither have ye sought that which was lost."
(Ezekiel 34:10, 4)

How can so many leaders and brethren alike, remain complacent about the scattered condition of God's children?  No one has the alternative of sitting back with a "ho-hum" attitude – as if everything is okay. "Endeavoring" means that the saints must be actively pursuing unity.  This is not a mere sentiment – or a “take it or leave it” option. 

We must be:  "Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace."  (Ephesians 4:3)

So we see that it is not just those in the ministry who stand in jeopardy!  The brethren, too, are warned by God not to get caught up with special-interest groups that think, "My church is better than your church."  One member cannot seek advantage over or neglect the care of any of the other brethren.  All of us must realize that we are being judged right now for how we interact with all of our other brethren, wherever they may be. “Judgment has begun at the house of God!”  It is not only the shepherds who are condemned for their misconduct, but the confrontational brethren also are being judged:

"And as for you, O My flock, thus saith the Lord God;  Behold, I will judge between sheep and sheep, and the rams and the he-goats." (Ezek. 34:17  James Martin, Keil-Delitzsch)

Chapter 6 - Discerning the Lord's Body

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