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That They May Be One

A Matter of Salvation

We were once a part of a worldwide work – in virtually every nation on earth at one time.  Many were called to be Christians.  But to what extent are we truly Christians today?  How many brethren went on to the perfection that Christ demands of us?  “Let us go on unto perfection.”  (Hebrews 6:1)

Church policy designed to protect the organization rather than the brethren is wrong.  Discerning the Lord’s body is not understood when pastors are directed to distance themselves from cases involving child molestation.  True Christianity always involves a genuine care for others, and real service to them.

The Pharisees of Jesus’ day made the mistake of measuring their faith too lightly.  The Bible gives us God’s litmus test of those who count as His Church versus those who follow Satan’s way.  No one ever wants to believe, “Satan has a hold on me.” 

“In this the children of God are manifest [here is how you tell], and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loves not his brother.”  (1 John 3:10)

Here, John explains the essence of Godly Christianity – righteousness and brotherly love.  In God’s Church we have stressed righteousness – much more than the unity and oneness of brotherly love.  There is no room in the meaning of these verses to place any less emphasis on brotherly love.  

A Christian through his actions will be caring, serving, loving – doing what is right for all of our brothers and sisters.  This is not possible when there is division.  Keeping God’s command to love the brethren is not possible when we are not interacting with one another.  John goes on to make an astounding claim – a claim that is lost on much of God’s Church today.  Can we have salvation without fellowship and love for the brethren?  Scripture is clear; fellowship is a matter of salvation.

“We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death.”  (1 John 3:14)

Most people, however, would say that they love the people in their group and, thus, have fulfilled this scripture.  But can we agree that all those who have God’s Holy Spirit are brethren, and that there are many brethren in various groups?  If so, our love must extend to those brethren as well, and not just to those in our particular group.  This is God’s priority for salvation.  It is very simple – and it is not optional.  If we do not love the brethren, we are headed for death.  Almost every person will say, “I love all Christians.”  Talk is cheap. 

We do not get off so easily.  John realized that many people would profess a longing for unity and oneness – while not lifting one little finger to help bring about an inclusive fellowship of believers.

“My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.”  (1 John 3:18)

Let us not reject the preponderance of Scripture, which proclaims God’s demand that His people exhibit the indispensable characteristic of being unified – giving rise to a oneness with every fellow servant.

“Whoso hath this world’s good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?”  (1 John 3:17)

“Whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honored, all the members rejoice with it.”  (1 Corinthians 12:26)

If all groups fully realized that truly we are all one Body, then all of us would work together toward unity.  The goal of unity based on Godly love is a much greater concern than all of our jots and tittles matching exactly.  All of God’s children have grown to varying stages of understanding and conversion.  God recognizes that we will be on slightly different pages from one another in our Christian development – giving us occasion to learn to walk and work together.  Forgiveness and mercy allow true Christians to interact – no matter what our degree of conversion might be.

“But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased Him.”  (1 Corinthians 12:18)

Chapter 10 - A Christian's Duty

Teach Us To Pray