Pentecost (count fifty). For the people of God this was to be and yet is a festive time, a time of rejoicing before the Lord. Yes a time of thanksgiving
and praise for God’s many blessing bestowed upon them and us. All the household, servants, and visitors, all were to participate in this celebration.
(Deuteronomy 16:14). As we have come to understand, Gods feast days actually reveal His plan of salvation for mankind. (Leviticus 23:17)
In this feast we see in
Israel's firstfruit offering, the revelation of God's church. (James 1:18). The spring harvest was a small harvest, consisting of the first fruit to come from
the crop in the year. So it is with God's church, it's just a small harvest of mankind, (Matthew 7:13-14). This is not all the harvest for the year, but just
the first small harvest. The celebration of Pentecost (count fifty) recounts and points to the fulfillment of yet another promise of our Great God, the giving
of His Holy Spirit. Again it is our prayer that the God of Abraham will grant you understanding. |