

Other Booklets

Can You Stand Alone

A Matter of Salvation

    Brethren, you and I are warned of the seriousness of our Christian calling.  John tells us that genuine involvement with one another is a matter of salvation.  It is not a salvational issue whether the organization is a big splinter group or a small splinter group (because splinters are all that are left today).  We’re all scattered; we’re all shattered.  But this question of our Christian practice, interaction, love and concern for one another is a major salvational issue.  “We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren.  He that loves not his brother abides in death.”  (1 John 3:14)

    This love is Godly care.  It is not mere sentiment.  This is not the kind of “love” which is sung about in teenagers’ music.  This “love” is coming to the spiritual aid of everyone in God’s Church.  You know, if we do not love our brother, if we do not provoke him to good works, we abide in death.  “Hereby perceive we the love of God, because He laid down His life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.”  (1 John 3:16)  These are such soft words, but so strong.

    We are not laying down our lives for the brethren if we do not reconcile, if we do not come to their aid, if we do not open our hearts and minds to them, if we do not share our deepest concerns with them, or when we do not provoke them to good works.  We need to awaken a desire in others to tear down the walls that separate brethren.  Being open and involved with others is difficult at first for some because it makes us vulnerable; but Jesus set the example for us by sharing of Himself.  It is also the little things – phone calls, prayers, flowers, comfort for those who have lost a loved one, helping someone with a sick child, etc.  That, too, is laying down our lives for the brethren!

    Interacting with the brethren as though they were truly “family” members is a good reason to assemble.  We should assemble and interrelate as often as possible, and not just for an hour or two at Sabbath services.  God desires sincerity, and He desires truth.  He is not fooling around!  God has gone through a great deal to bring about His magnificent plan.  We must not be afraid to plunge right into each other’s hearts and minds.  Look at the example of the first-century Church brethren after just having received God’s Holy Spirit.  “The multitude of them that believed was of one heart and of one soul.”  (Acts 4:32)

    That was Godly love in action!  It’s as though they were all family.  Lately, in the greater Church of God, we have not been oriented in that direction.  We are not as on-target, as we should be.  We know that God’s plan is coming to fruition.  God through His Spirit is bringing it about.  We know that it is going to be worked out – but will we personally meet Christ’s standard of loving one another?  “This commandment have we from Him, That he who loves God love his brother also.”  (1 John 4:21)

Chapter 9: Adam Failed to Stand

Teach Us To Pray