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Can You Stand Alone

Adam Failed to Take a Stand

    The first man, Adam, sinned because he did not avail himself of that spiritual component represented by the tree of life – the Spirit of God.  When he sinned, the plan of God was again sidetracked, but only for a time, just as it was delayed at the time of Satan’s rebellion.  God’s plan had to go through – call it a phase – because of Adam’s sin.  Adam was a potential son of God.  Had he been obedient to God and taken of the tree of life, he would have become a child of God right then and there.  He would have become a son of God.  Had Adam taken of the tree of life, he would have come to possess everything imaginable.

    Adam would have been king over all the earth!  He would have been the lawgiver for the population of the entire earth just as Moses was later on for Israel.  He would have been the high priest.  Had Adam stood up to Satan in the Garden of Eden, he would have been the overcomer of Satan.  Adam would have qualified to rule the earth, and he would have ushered in the Kingdom of God at that time.   That is what God set before him.  That was real, that was legal, that was deliberate on God’s part.

    Instead of this seven thousand year time span that we are in now, God’s plan would have been accomplished in only one thousand years.  The Garden of Eden would have been the beginning of the millennium.  However, since Adam failed to put God first in his life and overcome Satan, it was left to Jesus Christ to be the Overcomer (Matthew 4:4).  Adam failed to stand alone.  Now, it is going to be up to Jesus Christ to establish the Kingdom of God on this earth.  That will occur at the beginning of the one thousand year millennium.  Because Jesus Christ victoriously performed these functions, while the original Adam did not adhere to the plan of God, Jesus Christ is called the second or final Adam.

Chapter 10: Fear Is The Enemy To Faith

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