“The Countdown to the Return of Jesus Christ”
is a weekly newsletter that comes out each Sabbath. Its purpose is to uplift and encourage
the brethren, and to present notices, updates and news of events. Prayer Requests for
those who are experiencing trials and illness usually come first in the Countdown. We
encourage the scattered brethren, not only to pray for one another, but also to edify each other
by staying in close contact. “They that feared the Lord spoke often one to another.”
(Malachi 3:16) The main body of the Countdown features a
commentary on a Biblical subject - which is often a part of the Sabbath sermon. The brief
presentation often includes exhortations and admonitions as we prepare for the return of Christ.
“The marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.”
(Revelation 19:7)